
A Day in the Life of Asian Pacific America

by Chansoda on July 8, 2014

“On July 4th, 2014, the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center presents an experiment in cultural democracy – the first crowdsourced gallery of the Asian Pacific American experience around the world as lived on one day.”

What resulted is a beautifully curated collection of images representing slices of life in the daily activities of what it is to be an APA in this world.

Please see the gallery:

I personally submitted some photos through my Flickr account, and got a wonderful surprise to find a couple of them included in the collection. The images were taken at Peyton’s 5th birthday party, what a wonderful way to commemorate him turning 5 and celebrating this APA day.

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ChansodaA Day in the Life of Asian Pacific America

Erin’s Bridal Shower

by Chansoda on April 28, 2014

Erin and Chris are getting married, and the date keeps getting closer and closer! This past Sunday was Erin’s bridal shower, and what a lovely shower it was! Held at the Newtown Inn in Connecticut, the ladies of the bridal party did such an excellent job designing and crafting away with the decor! We had such a great time, and of course, I brought my camera along. Things I’m learning, how to place people in nice lighting to get a good picture, unfortunately I did hit a few fail moments. Placing some one in front of a wall sconce, makes it look like they are growing something out of their head. Next time I’ll know better!


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ChansodaErin’s Bridal Shower

Cambodian Community Meeting

by Chansoda on April 6, 2014

We have a large Cambodian community here in Danbury, and quite a bit dispersed throughout Connecticut, but aside from events at the temple, there isn’t a uniform community that meets and plans these events. As the previous generation ages, we are finding the need to be more organized and to preserve our culture so we can pass it on. It’s nice to see my brother getting involved, and working with the community to fill that need, and perhaps, this will help evolve the Khmer Collective project as well. This past weekend, my mother and brother hosted a community meeting at the house to develop some plans in forming this organization.

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ChansodaCambodian Community Meeting

Landon’s First Birthday

by Chansoda on March 27, 2014

This little adorable guy turned one and little party was thrown for him. Of course, he probably won’t remember his birthday, but the pictures are here to embarrass him later in life and make others say “awwww…”


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ChansodaLandon’s First Birthday

Pajama Jam Party

by Chansoda on January 5, 2014

A year later in our new home, Karla and I decided to finally throw a party! A post holiday pajama jam, great times for all. There were games, music, and a mock “in-bed” Photo Booth, and breakfast foods (sort of). The last of the bunch left at 4 am, and didn’t leave much of a mess to clean up. Good company.


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ChansodaPajama Jam Party

Christmas Party 2013

by Chansoda on December 23, 2013

Our friend Kevin has an annual themed Christmas party every year. This year it was Breakin’- Electric Boogaloo. Meaning fun, colorful, 80’s club breakdancing clothes. Karla and I had a great time dressing up, and seeing the all out fabulousness that everyone else had on.

We played bingo, won an awesome bombox, and took our dancing to the streets. This December evening was freakishly warmer than usual, and we took full advantage of it.

Always a great time.


Dancing Mei Ling

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ChansodaChristmas Party 2013

Pag’s Fab Wine Tasting Party

by Chansoda on November 9, 2013

A mystery wine tasting contest at our friend Pag’s house.

Bring a bottle of wine, it gets wrapped up to hide the label, then numbered, everyone gets a taste of all the wines on the tables and votes for their best! Since we were our own pourers, people got a little mixed up on what a “tasting” is.

It was a lot of fun, they even had a really nerdy guy crunching the numbers based on people’s ballots! Always a good time at Pag and Jeff’s.


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ChansodaPag’s Fab Wine Tasting Party

First leg of the southwest – New Mexico

by Chansoda on October 7, 2013

We flew in to Albuquerque, picked up the rental and drove to our room in Santa Fe. Did a little bit of exploring in this artsy little city (they weren’t kidding about art galleries galore!), hiked, then headed to the Balloon Festival at 3 am, took some dawn pictures of the event, then took the High Road to Taos. It’s a lot to pack in only a few days, but we enjoyed it. The elevation did not bother us. This is our first time out in the desert, and clear blue skies are nice.

Our room was great, love the southwest decor, and the adobe homes. But I found out I might not be the biggest fan of tex-mex food. We did go to a couple great restaurants, Vinaigrette and Tune Up were delicious. We enjoyed our visit out here. Heading north to Colorado next!


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ChansodaFirst leg of the southwest – New Mexico