
Adirondack Winter Adventure

by Chansoda on February 22, 2015

We headed up to Minerva, NY for a small Adirondack Winter Weekend with Karla’s Caramoor crew. The weather was frigid but we had a great time exploring a little bit of the areaĀ and staying in this cozy house playing games with some fun people. Late nights with Cards Against Humanity, Lunchbox, and some improvisational songwritng. Karla and I had to head out early Sunday to celebrate a best friend’s birthday, but it was a wonderful weekend. Definitely coming back for some real adventures next time. Highly recommend this wonderful Adirondack Getaway that we stayed at.


Karla and Morgan. Daria. About to head out to explore a little bit of the area.

How excited does Morgan look?



The most adorable couple: Steve and Emma.




Attempting a karate kick.


Let’s walk and experience the tundra.

A frozen Lake George.

A frozen Lake George.


My darling Karla, smiling, but really saying, “it’s bleeping cold out here!”

Me on the frozen lake, I would like to hop on one of this snowmobiles.


It’s chowder time.


Serving up cold at the ice bar.


Ahhh heat!! Let’s warmĀ up with some whiskey.


Dylan and Daria in for a pose. But I missed it with a poor light setting.


Found a heart on the ground. Look at the lovebirds working together to stack the pool balls.


Venturing back out in to the cold.


Ice sculptures. Karla loves Olaf.


Let’s all pet the snow elephant.

We’reĀ being “those people.” šŸ™‚


Yay! Let’s just check out any open stores here.


Running to the car. Headed to the Sagamore.


Then decided it’s best to stay in. Warmth. Food. Games. Friends.






Finally, a picture of Christine and Tim.


Pretty awesome mosaic in North Creek.


Some animals on a farm.


The sun came out on our way home, gorgeous winter day. This was up by Bear Mountain on our way back.



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ChansodaAdirondack Winter Adventure

HSP Christmas Card

by Chansoda on December 14, 2014

Starting a yearly tradition with my best friend coming up with ideas for their family holiday cards. This year’s theme,”naughty or nice, which list are you on?” I get to be on the nice list, because hey, I dedicated my time to creating these things with this adorable family!

We had a small window to get everything set up, so we have a makeshift studio. Peyton’s (the little guy) face is hilarious.





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ChansodaHSP Christmas Card


by Chansoda on October 12, 2014

Karla, Tom and Skip decided it was a good idea to go camping, in the cold rainy October month, on my birthday. I have to say, I really didn’t agree with this. I much prefer sitting around the fire in the comfort of my own home, with my own shower, soft bed, and a full kitchen to cook my meals. Holly and I both prefer that set up, we don’t mind the outdoor walks, but when it comes to warmth and sleeping, my own home is so much better! I was so happy to finally head home, so was Holly. It was a beautiful place to go camping, if you’re in to that kind of that thing, it also allows dogs, if your dog is in to that kind of thing. Tolland State Forest in Massachusetts. We used Reserve America to book our stay.

Walking around the grounds.

The camp ground was very nice.Ā 

The beautiful fall.

The beautiful fall.

I love the colors.

I love the colors.

The lake at Tolland State Forest.

The lake at Tolland State Forest.


Fallen leaves in the water.

Holly was not a fan of this.

Holly was not a fan of this.

Holly prefers being in the tent.

Holly prefers being in the tent.

Tending the fire.

Tending the fire.

Siting around the fire.

Sitting around the fire.


more tending to the fire…

more sitting around the fire, apparently, that's all it is to camping.

more sitting around the fire, apparently, that’s all there is to camping…

Let me in the tent.

Let me in the tent.

Morning of freedom from camping.

Morning of freedom from camping.

Couldn't have been a more gorgeous day.

Couldn’t have been a more gorgeous day. Happy Birthday to me.

Hurry home, I need to shower.

Hurry home, I need to shower.

But this crazy thing happened on the ride home. A car with a bicycle strapped to it’s roof was driving ahead of us, unfortunately not so tightly strapped. The bike comes flying off the roof on I-84, and hits our car, bike goes flying, luckily no one was hurt. Scary, but it was all good. Lady should definitely double check how her bike is mounted on. Not cool.

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Birthday Lantern

by Chansoda on October 4, 2014

Karla’s birthday, this actually made us kind of nervous… We wanted to shoot a lantern in to the sky, because why not, it’s so pretty. We hung out with our favorite people, Nancy and Skip who have become my pseudo parents. A little dinner finished with some home made chocolate cakes, wine, and a little birthday lantern wish. Nothing caught on fire, at least that we know about…

It's lit.

It’s lit.

Karla and Skip getting ready to launch

Karla and Skip getting ready to launch

And there it goes...

And there it goes…

Ice cream, cake and candles.

Ice cream, cake and candles.

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ChansodaBirthday Lantern

Sailing and Wine Tastings

by Chansoda on September 27, 2014

Went on an outing to Mystic with our friends Francia and Krista. It’s nice to be able to show our city friends a little bit of Connecticut. Just so happened Tom and Skip were also there on their weekly sailing adventure, so we met up with them to continue our partying at the marina.

First stop,Ā SaltwaterĀ Farm Vineyard, where we had a few tastings and explored their amazing winery ( I was actually here for Tom’s daughter’s wedding a few years ago). It’s such beautiful setting and the weather was perfect, sun shine, nice breeze.Ā Then we had lunch at this cute gourmet deli a couple miles away. Meandered along the back roads of southeastern Connecticut to our next stop, Jonathan Edwards Winery. This charming vineyard is situated on top of hill in North Stonington in the midst of some beautiful farmlands. We enjoyed the wine here and met a nice couple celebrating their wedding anniversary.

I highly recommend visiting the wineries on the Connecticut Wine Trail, they have so much charm and are fairly easy to get to considering it doesn’t take that long to drive across Connecticut! There’s also a passport program with grand prizes that include a trip for two to Spain! Defintely signing up for that next year.

After that, we headed to party on the boat! Margaritas, wine, storytelling, barbecue, it was such a fun time we ended up crashing in the hotel room with Krista and Francia to get up early for a morning sail with Captain Tom and Skipper. They were happy to have four lovely ladies tour the ocean with them.

The view at Saltwater


Inside the hangar, pretty cool!


The lovely Francia and Krista.

The lovely Francia and Krista.



Down and out.

Down and out.

Entrance to Jonathan Edwards

Entrance to Jonathan Edwards

The couple celebrating their wedding anniversary, took a photo for them!  Congrats ladies!

The couple celebrating their wedding anniversary, took a photo for them! Congrats ladies!



Another Charla sighting.

Another Charla sighting.

More of the lovely ladies.

The group!

The group!

Stroll through their vineyard.

Stroll through their vineyard.

That's how we do wine tastings!

That’s how we do wine tastings!mystic-7334

Our old guys! Love them.

Our old guys! Love them.

Trying to look the part of a sailor.

Trying to look the part of a sailor.

Ladies ladies.

Ladies ladies.

The marina at dark.

The marina at dark.

We were all hurting, but we made it up for the morning sail.

We were all hurting, but we made it up for the morning sail.

Marina in the daytime.

Marina in the daytime.

Leaving the marina.

Leaving the marina.

Can you see the seagull?

Can you see the seagull?

Captain Tom.

Captain Tom.

Skipper at work.

Skipper at work.


Great morning to be out.

Enjoy the sail.

Enjoy the sail.



Karla at the helm.

Karla at the helm.

shooting the breeze.

shooting the breeze.

All the sailboats hanging out.

All the sailboats hanging out.

Smooth sailing.

Smooth sailing.

at the front.

at the front.

Skip, my "pseudo dad" and me.

Skip, my “pseudo dad” and me.



Cool track that opens to let boats in to the marina.

Cool railroad track that opens to let boats in to the marina.

Pulling the sails down.

Pulling the sails down.


We enjoyed the sail.

Beginning of a colorful fall.

Beginning of a colorful fall.

Our sailors!

Our sailors!

Off to town.


Strolling in to the town center for lunch.

Strolling in to the town center for lunch.

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ChansodaSailing and Wine Tastings

Visit to Lowell

by Chansoda on September 13, 2014

We took a small trip to Lowell, Ma, now known as little Cambodia town. My mother had been wanting to visit her brother for a while, (though not blood related, my grandfather had all daughters so he ended upĀ adopting some young men as his own ) who is now living with cancer. It’s been hard on him and his wife, and I know my mother has been missing connections to her former life.

Karla is a big fan of Cambodia town, so when she heard Lowell, she perked up and was ready to go. We went with my brother Veasna, his girlfriend Sokha, and my mother.

First we stopped at the asian store in Lowell to pick up some groceries and snacks. Then we headed over to my uncle’s house, he was there with his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. He looked great, and it was nice for them to catch up with my mom. We also got to hang out with my cousin and his cute little guy, named Benji. It was great for us to see everyone, with him being sick, it’s hard to know how much timeĀ is left. They also prepared a beautiful meal for us, that I did not get to enjoy because I’m deathly allergic to shellfish, but everyone else enjoyed it. It was fun to laugh over the stories exchanged. We even wanted to take Benji home with us, he’s too cute.

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ChansodaVisit to Lowell