We took a small trip to Lowell, Ma, now known as little Cambodia town. My mother had been wanting to visit her brother for a while, (though not blood related, my grandfather had all daughters so he ended upĀ adopting some young men as his own ) who is now living with cancer. It’s been hard on him and his wife, and I know my mother has been missing connections to her former life.
Karla is a big fan of Cambodia town, so when she heard Lowell, she perked up and was ready to go. We went with my brother Veasna, his girlfriend Sokha, and my mother.
First we stopped at the asian store in Lowell to pick up some groceries and snacks. Then we headed over to my uncle’s house, he was there with his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. He looked great, and it was nice for them to catch up with my mom. We also got to hang out with my cousin and his cute little guy, named Benji. It was great for us to see everyone, with him being sick, it’s hard to know how much timeĀ is left. They also prepared a beautiful meal for us, that I did not get to enjoy because I’m deathly allergic to shellfish, but everyone else enjoyed it. It was fun to laugh over the stories exchanged. We even wanted to take Benji home with us, he’s too cute.
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