We headed up to Minerva, NY for a small Adirondack Winter Weekend with Karla’s Caramoor crew. The weather was frigid but we had a great time exploring a little bit of the area and staying in this cozy house playing games with some fun people. Late nights with Cards Against Humanity, Lunchbox, and some improvisational songwritng. Karla and I had to head out early Sunday to celebrate a best friend’s birthday, but it was a wonderful weekend. Definitely coming back for some real adventures next time. Highly recommend this wonderful Adirondack Getaway that we stayed at.

Karla and Morgan. Daria. About to head out to explore a little bit of the area.

The most adorable couple: Steve and Emma.


Attempting a karate kick.

Let’s walk and experience the tundra.

A frozen Lake George.

My darling Karla, smiling, but really saying, “it’s bleeping cold out here!”

Me on the frozen lake, I would like to hop on one of this snowmobiles.

It’s chowder time.

Serving up cold at the ice bar.

Ahhh heat!! Let’s warm up with some whiskey.

Dylan and Daria in for a pose. But I missed it with a poor light setting.

Found a heart on the ground. Look at the lovebirds working together to stack the pool balls.

Venturing back out in to the cold.

Ice sculptures. Karla loves Olaf.

Let’s all pet the snow elephant.

We’re being “those people.” 🙂

Yay! Let’s just check out any open stores here.

Running to the car. Headed to the Sagamore.

Then decided it’s best to stay in. Warmth. Food. Games. Friends.



Finally, a picture of Christine and Tim.

Pretty awesome mosaic in North Creek.

Some animals on a farm.

The sun came out on our way home, gorgeous winter day. This was up by Bear Mountain on our way back.
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