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Road Trip with Nancy and Skip
by Chansoda on April 21, 20152015 Road trip with our favorites, Nancy and Skip. Our goal was to make it to Savannah, GA. Karla and I only stopped there for a night the year before, thought it was great and been wanting to go back.
read moreKhmer New Year 2015
by Chansoda on April 15, 2015Happy Khmer New Year | Soursdei Chnam Tmei!
This year, our Khmer community in CT is bringing back a big celebration for the Cambodian New Year. Unfortunately, I’ll be missing out on it, traveling to Savannah, GA. I’m proud that the community has come together in such a way to honor and celebrate for all. It’s a wonderful thing and really great for the next generation to celebrate their heritage and traditions. It shows how strong our community is and dedicated to rebuilding after all that was lost.
This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the Khmer Rouge takeover of Cambodia. April 17th, 1975, when my parents were in their early 20’s with two kids in tow, they were forced to leave their home in to the wrath of Angkar. Where, eventually, 2 million people would perish, including my two sisters among many other family members.
Those were the events that lead my parents to the U.S. When they escaped to the refugee camps, my parents decided they should start their new life in America. I can’t imagine going through what they went through and to pack up with nothing but their children and the traumatic experiences they just lived through… it’s incredibly brave and inspiring.
My parents wanted us to have a better life, and in my opinion they achieved that. I am very fortunate to have the freedom and opportunities that this world presented me. I know my family went through unimaginable hardship to get us here, suffered severe losses, but still pulled through so that I can be here today.
Now, 40 years later, we must always remember and honor those that haven fallen under the hands of such cruelty. Take time to pay our respects for those loved ones, lost and still with us today. We must also celebrate life by ringing in the new year with much gratitude and happiness, because those before us would want us to live our life going forward. And still among us, the generation that carries deep scars from their wounds under the Khmer Rouge, recognize those wounds, and be inspired by the bravery that brought them here. Get to know their legacy, their strength, and understand that’s where we come from.
read moreSpring Projects
by Chansoda on March 18, 2015We survived the frigid winter and I’m loving the extra daylight… the sun! It makes everyone so happy. Along with spring comes a bunch of projects. Seems like everyone is coming out and launching something. Busy and dizzy it makes me…I haven’t been sleeping much. I’m happy for the extra projects but it’s a hard balance with the full time gig. But after this winter’s electric heating bills, I don’t mind the balancing act. Looking around my home, yikes, I need to find time to do some spring cleaning.
Karla and I have been getting out of hibernation mode to do some running, it seems like we will never be able to run as much as Holly (dog) needs. We’re feeling good after a couple of miles and she is just getting started. SMH. At least she encourages me away from the work desk.
In the midst of all these projects I’m working on, I’m also trying to get a little bit of my personal side project done. The spring always tugs at me to get it together in memory of my father. My Khmer Collective site needs some TLC! The 5 year anniversary of his passing is coming up, and that project was a way to honor him. Really, my therapy. It’s strange how his absence can become such a norm, time and healing do work in tandem. I still miss him everyday and sometimes, it really hits me how gone “gone” is. Then I start clawing at ways to get pieces of him back, let him know how much of a presence he is still very much in my life.
So Khmer Collective, you’re getting a redesign!
Also, I’ve recruited another passionate friend who is very much excited to join in and help me with the storytelling, gathering people’s stories and spreading the word.
read moreAdirondack Winter Adventure
by Chansoda on February 22, 2015We headed up to Minerva, NY for a small Adirondack Winter Weekend with Karla’s Caramoor crew. The weather was frigid but we had a great time exploring a little bit of the area and staying in this cozy house playing games with some fun people. Late nights with Cards Against Humanity, Lunchbox, and some improvisational songwritng. Karla and I had to head out early Sunday to celebrate a best friend’s birthday, but it was a wonderful weekend. Definitely coming back for some real adventures next time. Highly recommend this wonderful Adirondack Getaway that we stayed at.

Karla and Morgan. Daria. About to head out to explore a little bit of the area.

The most adorable couple: Steve and Emma.


Attempting a karate kick.

Let’s walk and experience the tundra.

A frozen Lake George.

My darling Karla, smiling, but really saying, “it’s bleeping cold out here!”

Me on the frozen lake, I would like to hop on one of this snowmobiles.

It’s chowder time.

Serving up cold at the ice bar.

Ahhh heat!! Let’s warm up with some whiskey.

Dylan and Daria in for a pose. But I missed it with a poor light setting.

Found a heart on the ground. Look at the lovebirds working together to stack the pool balls.

Venturing back out in to the cold.

Ice sculptures. Karla loves Olaf.

Let’s all pet the snow elephant.

We’re being “those people.” 🙂

Yay! Let’s just check out any open stores here.

Running to the car. Headed to the Sagamore.

Then decided it’s best to stay in. Warmth. Food. Games. Friends.



Finally, a picture of Christine and Tim.

Pretty awesome mosaic in North Creek.

Some animals on a farm.

The sun came out on our way home, gorgeous winter day. This was up by Bear Mountain on our way back.
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Project: Dining Room Chairs
by Chansoda on February 16, 2015Karla and I did a lot of sanding and staining this weekend. Valentine’s Day weekend was a labor of love in refurbishing some cool chairs we found on craigslist. Love how they turned out! Dining room table is no longer lonely and the prints are so much fun! Bought the table from West Elm a couple years ago, and could never commit to the chairs to go with them, also wanted them on a budget and these fit the bill!
$180 for 6 chairs, 2 with arms, 4 without.
$25 for the Ikea fabric.
$30 at Lowes for the stain, brush and extra sandpaper.
And the result is awesome.
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Dengue Fever Fan
by Chansoda on February 9, 2015Dengue Fever came out with their new album, “The Deepest Lake” and it’s awesome. The merchandise I ordered came in the mail the other day, sweet! We just wanted to show our support for such a great band. Unfortunately, my turntable is in need of a new needle, so I couldn’t play the record, but we live in a digital world, so it’s not like I haven’t been playing the album on repeat anyways.
I think Holly looks rather sharp in a kroma (traditional cambodian scarf).
Being a first generation Khmer in the U.S., growing up people didn’t even know where Cambodia was on the map, let alone the atrocities that brought us here as refugees. So, to discover an American band that was so passionate about playing Cambodian rock n roll, that they even went out to search for a Khmer lead singer (the ever so talented Chhom Nimol) was pretty surreal. Listening to how their music evolved from covers of oldies to an infusion of all kinds of genres to create these wonderful unique sounds, I love it.
Check out some of their music!
read moreIntense Dog
by Chansoda on January 24, 2015This is how Holly stares at us once she puts a ball at our feet. Forever ready to play, it doesn’t stop.
Camera Pencil Sharpener
by Chansoda on January 24, 2015Coolest. Pencil. Sharpener. Ever.
Thanking my gf for surprising me with this.
and it actually sharpens really well. Cool looking and functional. Love it.
read moreDon’t Think I’ve Forgotten : Kickstarter Project
by Chansoda on January 15, 2015Discovered this kickstarter project and went ahead to pledge my support. The trailer actually brought me to tears and made me really miss my father. All I could see were my parents face in the old clips, and their friends and family we never got to know… the life they enjoyed around this music, this was their Cambodia. This lively “Pearl of Asia,” all this youth, life, freedom that was tragically taken from them.
This is the Cambodia they wanted us to know… We grew up in America, not knowing much of what our parents had left behind. As a kid, I thought Cambodia was this backwards country with no running water, poverty, and the war, because it just seemed like such a scary place from the stories you hear. I used to think it was always like that, because my parents could never discuss all that they lost. After my father passed, films like these, can tell the stories of his youth that he really wanted to share with us, but was so hard for him to communicate.
I look forward to seeing this film and attending the concert in NYC. In the audience, I know my father will be there with me too.
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